The Home of Everything XPENG

A successful marketing teams needs a way of quickly accessing, sharing and storing marketing assets. From day 1 at XPENG, I had been requesting a Digital Asset Management system to help us. When I joined, XPENG were using a slow and confusing file storage system which everyone complained about and multiple times, many of us spent hours looking for one particular asset due to how the system worked.

Eventually I was given a budget to go and look for a DAM system. I undertook the entire project myself from writing a brief, all of the purchasing and negotiating, through to onboarding and setting up the platform.

I opted for the Frontify system for a few reasons. It gave us everything we needed from a DAM point of view, it looked great, allowed us to store our brand guidelines in an easy to get to place, but we also got access to their templating solution to free up time from our in-house creative team when it comes to translations.




Mulsanne Grand Limosuine